Transform your business with the innovative “Best Service is No Service” framework that revolutionises customer service by eliminating frustrations and streamlining operations.
According to Kate Lister who is the president of Global Workplace Analytics, 25-30% of the workforce will be working from home multiple days a week by the end of 2021.
Just when we thought things would go back to normal, they didn’t. We saw candidates demanding & preferring jobs that gave them a remote option.
Not just during the pandemic, but also after.
For example, flexible hours are so important for employees that 76% of them agree to stay with their current employer if a flexible work schedule is offered.
Well, Covid has left us with a huge potential for remote teams. While it is still uncertain that there will be a fully remote workforce in the post-covid scenario, we can see companies who are adopting it now having an edge over others.
So, how are contact centres taking advantage of this major digital shift?
Turns out that remote work can have a great positive impact on the customer experience. Want to see how?
1. Hiring talented candidates
Since location isn’t a problem anymore, candidates are looking for jobs worldwide. Geography or a particular work environment isn’t a barrier anymore. This can prove to be immensely beneficial for contact centres that have been trying to get talented people to work with them. Now is the time when you can approach candidates from any part of the world and hire the best talent.
In the end, these are the people who are going to be responsible for your long term success. Invest carefully, & smartly.
Not only can you hire the best candidates but also make them work with you for a long time.
According to a survey conducted by CNBC, 57% of remote workers are more satisfied with their jobs compared to 50% of non-remote workers.
Recruiters can use online forms or even embrace the video calling functionalities to analyse different candidates. Contact centres can easily cover all the unexpected changes to the business & demand with the remote hiring option.
Remote workers are 13% more likely to stick with their current job for a longer time than those who work from the office.
2. Analysing customer data
Each piece of information regarding your first to the most recent customer interaction has now completely shifted online. This demands more digging into the data and finding out every single piece of information that could help you create a better experience for your customers.
There are so many tools that can be easily integrated to figure out customer behaviour through intelligent analytics.
You might never find answers to low customer retention rates until you have each and every data point to analyse it. Integration tools might help you find roadblocks in your customer experience easily.
Without knowing the real reason something is or isn’t sticking with your customers, you can’t improve their experience with your contact centre.
According to Bain & Company, companies who are inclined towards a better customer experience drive 4-8% higher revenue than others.
3. Tracking customer journey
Tracking all the customer calls and their experience only helps you upscale as a brand. You can ask your customers if they were happy with the interaction or the level of satisfaction they had. You can also use tools to collect data that helps you find your star customers.
You can save the information and connect customers with the same customer representative they talked with previously to engage them more.
According to Frost & Sullivan, we are witnessing a change in consumer behaviour and this will prompt a significant shift in the way we interact with customers. We can see a transition & contact centres today are leveraging multiple channels to provide seamless customer journeys that are proactive, interactive, and persistent.
This makes so much sense considering the changing landscape every single day.
4. Giving more flexibility
You can easily scale even as a small business in seasons of high demand through tech. You can make the self-service experience more prominent for users.
As a growing brand, it is extremely important for you that your customers feel heard. They must feel that their issues are resolved no matter what.
So, you can be in touch with them through some automated workflows without doubling down on the hours your support teams spend.
According to Gallup, companies that have their employees more engaged with their business outperform the competition by 147%.
5. Saving more
Clearly, the cost of infrastructure & other expenses that companies had to deal with when there wasn’t remote work is now gone. You can focus more on investing your money into useful resources like getting new tools for collaboration or company-wide engagement programs. In the long run, all these little steps add on to create a great company culture. This ultimately helps you to level up your brand.
How to humanise your customer experience
While you are thinking of following up on the idea of a remote contact centre, you have to keep thinking of innovative ideas on providing your customers with a more personalised experience. For this, start with a quick action plan.
- Sketch out your ideal customer persona.
- You can create a profile writing their goals, hobbies, fears & the vision to know more about the topics that concern them more.
- Further, you can also connect with them on the right social media channels so that you stay in touch with them.
- After following these steps, you’ll have to also constantly think about managing all your customer information in one place.
And, how can you do that? Well, you can easily start by creating centralised access for all the customer information through a CRM.
These steps might look simple but they can be a bit confusing if you don’t sketch out a plan that works the best for you (you can always reach out to us in case you want to discuss this on a call).