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Are you a business owner with operations in Singapore, using SMS for marketing or transactional purposes?
If so, it’s important to be aware that the deadline for mandatory registration in the Singapore SMS Sender ID Registry (SSIR) is fast approaching. Starting on January 31, 2023, all organisations in Singapore that send SMS messages for commercial purposes will be required to register for SSIR and include a registered sender ID in all business-related SMS messages.
If you would like to get up to speed on what is SSIR registration, why it is so important, and further details on what will happen after 31st January read our primer below:
And if you are ready to take action but not sure what exactly to do, read on!
How to register your SMS Sender ID

Quick overview of the SSIR process
For the full details involved in the SSIR registration, you might want to check out:
And don’t forget – when you partner with Toku to protect your brand and prevent your sender IDs from being spoofed, we will guide you through all the nitty gritty in the registration process so you’re well-prepared and ready to go!
What should I look out for in a SMS aggregator?
If you’ve read through the checklist above, you will realise that even before you begin the SSIR registration process, you would need to have your preferred aggregator ready at hand.
So it might be a good idea to research the best aggregator that fits your SMS needs in advance – otherwise, your registration process will be stalled at Step 1 (when you need to pick an aggregator).
Here are a few factors we recommend you consider:
1. Ensure the aggregator is approved by SGNIC
In our experience partnering with many organisations in the region, many thought their existing provider covered their telco needs – until they started operating in APAC.
That’s when they realised several countries in the region are reinforcing their telco regulations. In the case of Singapore’s SSIR for example, the regulator greenlights which aggregators can participate in the registration.
So even if you think you have found an SMS aggregator with the perfect fit for your communications needs, if it is not in Singapore Network Information Centre’s (SGNIC) list of approved aggregators, you will need to find another provider that has been approved.
Be sure to check out the list of approved providers at:
And if you find your existing provider is not in the list, look no further – Toku is an approved aggregator and ready to partner with you for your SMS needs!
2. Can the aggregator help consolidate your connectivity?
If your business has operations in other parts of APAC, it might be simpler and more cost-efficient to consolidate your connectivity for different countries under a single aggregator that has extensive coverage in the region.
So while you are searching for the right aggregator for your SMS needs, it’s worthwhile to also look at how extensive their connectivity is
Toku for example has enterprise grade SMS coverage for all countries in APAC, including direct connectivity to mobile network operators (MNOs) in ASEAN.
We have helped several businesses that previously worked with multiple telcos to consolidate their connectivity with a single provider – us. As a result, they simplified their monthly billing process to just one bill – instead of multiple bills.
Side note: if you are using one vendor for a business tool, for example, your contact centre solution, and a different vendor for your cloud telephony, this is yet another opportunity for your business to consolidate your connectivity!
We’ve detailed the benefits of consolidating your contact centre and cloud telephony with the same provider in our blog.
Do check it out!
3. Is the provider able to help you navigate telco complexity and fragmentation in APAC?
If you are a business sending SMSs in Singapore, there is a good chance you are also looking to enter new markets in APAC in the coming year.
You may have an elaborate go-to-market strategy for each country in the region, but we have seen telco complexity and fragmentation in APAC spoil the best-laid growth plans. This is why as you prepare to choose your aggregator for SMS, you should also pay attention to how it fits in with your expansion plans.
As a leading cloud connectivity player based in APAC catering to businesses operating in the region, Toku is intimately familiar with not just Singapore’s SSIR registration, but similar regulatory processes around Asia.
All Toku clients benefit not just from our excellent cloud communication solutions, but from our localised expertise in navigating the telco landscape as well.
4. Does the provider protect your brand and users from scams beyond SMS – like voice calls?
If the problem of call fraud hasn’t entered your thoughts, what better time than now – when you’re protecting your business SMSs from being spoofed by scammers?
After all, scam calls in Singapore continue to be challenge for businesses and consumers alike. Toku’s Consumer Engagement Report 2022 found that close to 90% of residents here have received scam calls, with 10% experiencing some monetary loss as a result.
Sidenote: Read the full report for more insights!
To protect your brand and users for SMS and Voice, you might want to go with an aggregator that takes proactive measures against call fraud. For example, Toku was the first telco service provider in Singapore and Southeast Asia to join the global AB Handshake Community, a solution for telco operators that eliminates fraud on inbound and outbound voice traffic.
By partnering with an aggregator with a history of ensuring businesses enjoy top-notch cloud communications without having to compromise on their reputation or their customers’ trust, you can protect the future of your brand and give your customers the protection they deserve.